Tank Decommissioning Service | 123 Oil

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Unit 8, South Staffs Terminal

Yell RGB

Tank Decommissioning


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Oil tanks are not designed to last forever. With time, their inner surfaces corrode due to moisture, acidity and other oxidative agents, which leads to decreased structural strength, making them inefficient and jeopardous for future use.

This reduced tank ability is an indicator to consider oil tank decommissioning as it is the only route to render a tank safe when it’s no longer fit for usage. Through the careful removal and disposal of the tank, you ensure safety for your working site and comply with the environmental safety regulations.

When choosing a reliable platform for a professional tank decommissioning service, 123 Oil is the best option. We deploy highly experienced professionals who are well-equipped to perform all tasks, whether it’s tank excavation, cleaning and cutting, environmental testing, transportation or disposal of the tank. Connect with our experts to benefit from our experienced oil tank decommissioning services.

Tank Decommissioning Is a Must for Safety

Hiring our professional services for your commercial tank decommissioning is beneficial in several aspects:

  • A tank with compromised structural integrity can leak anytime, wasting your costly fuel.
  • The scattered oil can catch fire, which is risky for your property.
  • The leakage can spoil the underground soil, making it unfit for other commercial activities.
  • It violates environmental regulations, and authorities may penalise you for this.

Briefly, ignoring the significance of tank decommissioning is risky for the lives, property and the environment. The above reasons encourage you to hire our company for a safe and timely industrial tank decommissioning to evade such harmful outcomes.

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Professional Approach to Get Maximum Results

Whether it’s a small domestic oil tank or a large commercial fuel tank, we ensure that we follow professional protocols to come up with maximum benefits:

Site Visit & Project Planning: Removing an abandoned tank needs specific planning, specifications and limitations analyses to ensure a smooth removal. For this purpose, our experts visit your site to collect valuable data and make the necessary preparations to proceed.

Sampling Residual Liquids: Following the initial protocols’ completion, we send the residual fuel samples for laboratory testing to ensure their suitability for disposal. Through careful analysis, we also determine the commercial value of leftover fuel so that it can compensate for the expenses of the decommissioning project.

Isolation and Waste Removal: Our teams drain out all the fuel via manual techniques or by using vacuums to remove oil mechanically for efficient waste removal.

Decontamination of Tanks: The tanks are decontaminated by washing with water, steam or a suitable degreaser. If it is a steel tank, it can be recycled for other uses, making the whole process economical.

Purging of the Tank: If you have a gas storage tank, we remove the flammable gases from the tank before carrying out any hot work, making the inner environment inert. This helps us avoid fire danger and work with peace of mind.

Tank Cutting/Dismantling: We implement hot and cold cutting techniques to dismantle the tank in situ if the underground tank is difficult to access.

Tank Removal & Disposal: The tanks are removed via a crane and transported to a licensed waste facility for proper disposal.

Quality with Affordability

123 Oil takes every measure to ensure client satisfaction and convenience, be it quality services, 24/7 availability, or a diverse range of services. Providing detailed oil tank decommissioning services, we have planned our packages in a budget-friendly manner, making it convenient for our domestic and commercial clients to benefit from our quality services.

Tank Decommissioning Service
Tank Decommissioning Service

Services That Speak Their Worth

With zero tolerance on quality and client facilitation,123 Oil stands unique in the market in several aspects:

  • We offer our reliable services throughout the UK.
  • Our professionals operate around the clock.
  • We provide free online quotations for a clear estimate to our clients.
  • We have over 50 years of industry experience.
  • We provide emergency services to address your issues.
  • We have 1,000 + satisfied customers, which reflects the quality of our service.


An industrial lubricant is any agent that reduces the friction between mechanical components of the machines to overcome heat and minimise wear and tear.

The industrial lubricant penetrates the contacting surfaces and smoothens the microscopic pumps, and sags on them to reduce the friction between the moving parts.

Industrial lubricants should be stored in a cool and dry place. Make sure they are at a sufficient distance from any source of heat and ignition and properly sealed to prevent any contamination.

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