EN 14214 Biodiesel Specifications | 123 Oil

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Specifications for EN 14214 Compliant Biodiesels


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Every form of biodiesel must meet the specifications described in the EN 14214 standard. This applies to CHP biofuel, UCOMe biodiesel and FAME biodiesel. However, HVO fuel does not meet these specifications because it is not classified as a biodiesel. It is chemically identical to the traditional diesel and meets the specifications in EN 15940 Standard.

Biodiesel is an alternative option for traditional diesel and its variants, such as white diesel and red diesel. These fuels are governed by the EN 590 standard and BS 2869 standard, respectively.

You can learn more about these standards in our fuel specification guide.

CHP Biofuel and EN 14214 Specifications

ParameterUnitCHP BiofuelEN 14214
Acid ValueMg KOH/gMax 0.50Max 0.50
Carbon Residuem/mMax 0.5%Max 0.3%
Cetane number Min 51.0Min 51.0
Cold Filter Plugging Point°CMax 10-20 to 0
Density at 15°Ckg/m3872 – 878872 – 878
Ethanol contentm/mMax 0.20%Max 0.20%
Fatty acid ethyl ester contentm/mMin 96.5%Min 96.5%
Flash point°C>120>120
Free glycerol contentm/mMax 0.02%Max 0.02%
Iodine Valueg/100gMax 120Max 120
Linolenic acid ethyl ester contentm/mMax 12.0%Max 12.0%
Monoacylglycerol contentm/mMax 0.8%Max 0.8%
Diacylglycerol contentm/mMax 0.2%Max 0.2%
Triacylglycerol contentm/mMax 0.2%Max 0.2%
Oxidation stability at 110°ChoursMin 4.0Min 6.0
Polyene acid ethyl ester contentm/mMax 1%Max 1%
Solid Impurities contentmg/kgMax 10Max 24
Sulphur contentmg/kgMax 10Max 10
Sulphated Ash contentm/mMax 0.02%Max 0.02%
Total glycerol contentm/mMax 0.25%Max 0.25%
Typical calorific valueMJ/kgMin 37.5Min 35.0
Viscosity at 40°Cmm2/s3.5 – 5.03.5 – 5.0
Water contentmg/kgMax 350Max 500

Download CHP Biofuel and EN 14214 Specifications in PDF here.

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